江苏省人亊考试信息网1. 独立完成,不准问其他人(我可以判断是否为独立完成,具体怎么判断恕不奉告)
2. 开卷考试,可以参考资料(与上一条不矛盾,可以参考资料,但不能问别人)
3. 答题条理分明,言简意赅,分析到位网上报名教师资格证流程
4. 如有参考资料,请在答卷后面说明参考了什么资料 (i.e. do a bibliography)
5. 如果在东北师范大学外语学院听过课,请尽量不要重复老师的话回答问题,可以有自己的观点,要言之成理。
6. 本次竞赛共20题,其中:语言学8题,英美文学8题,英美概况4题,不设标准答案,只要言之成理即可得分。
I. English Linguistics
1. How do you distinguish between intra-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary branches of linguistics?高新区人才市场招聘信息
2. If a student pronounces “very well” as /weri vel/, how would you correct him or her in the light of phonetic knowledge?
3. Observe the sound of the letter P in the words “port” and “sport”, and answer the following questions:
(1) Specify the phonetic features of this sound as a phoneme.
(2) What are the phonetic transcription and phonemic transcription? Please give the two k
inds of transcriptions of these two words.
(3) Are these two sounds in complementary distribution? Justify your answer.
4. The word vice-president may be explained as a compound or a derived word. How do you understand this?
5. Is “John said to Bob that he would do that yesterday” an ambiguous sentence? Why?
6. How do people look at sense relations in semantics?
7. The following conversation seems quite bizarre in isolation. Can you imagine a situation in which it will seem acceptable and natural?
A: I have a fourteen-year-old son.
B: Well, that’s all right.
A: I also have a dog.
B: Oh, I’m sorry.
8. What is culture? What is the relationship between language and culture? Does language decide culture or vice versa?
II. British Literature
1. Please summarize Chaucer’s literary career.
2. What is the theme of Shakespeare’s tragedy “Hamlet”?
3. Make a comment on Byron.安徽二建吧
4. Please tell the story of Jane Austen’s novel “Sense and Sensibility” briefly.
5. How many groups do you think the 20会计初级报名入口th century British writers fall into? What are they?
III. American Literature
1. Who is the writer of the short story “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”? What do you think a short story is? Please analyze this short story.
2. What do you think is the theme of the famous novel “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”?
3. Please compare the literature of the 1920s and the 1930s in America.
4. What are the features of the “theatre of absurd”?
IV. Survey of Britain and America
1. Give a brief presentation of the US economy.
2. What was Roosevelt’s role in the Second World War?
3. What do you know about the states schools and public schools in the United Kingdom?
4. What is the Wars of the Roses? How did it get its name? How long did it last? What is the significance of the war?