an organization,and that’s what I did last school year.I worked on making roads,building a house,serving as a teacher’s assistant and working as a camp officer in several projects in South Carolina and Florida.It’s been a great experience,and I’ve almost learned more than what I could have in college since I didn’t really want to be at that school and wasn’t interested in my major anyway,I thought this was better for me.After 1,700 hours of service I received 4,750 dollars.I can use that to pay off the money I borrowed from the bank or for what is needed when I go back to school this fall at Columbus State in Ohio.Classes are smaller there and I’ll be majoring in German education.After working with the kids,now I know,I want to be a teacher.
一、 听力第一节(共5小题,每小题1分)
1Who is the man talking about now?
A.His girlfriend.    山东临沂公务员报考条件B.His sister.   C.His mother.
2What are they talking about?
A.A traffic accident. 
B.A fire.
C.A crime.
3Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A.At a bookshop.
报考执业医师资格证的条件B.At a kitchen.
C.At a bank.
4福建省考公务员职位表2022查询Who was injured?
B.George’s wife.
C.George’s wife’s father.
5What do we learn from the conversation?
A.Tony could not continue the experiment.
B.Tony finished the experiment last night.
C.Tony will go on with his experiment.
6Where does this conversation most likely take place?
A.In the street.
B.At the woman’s home.
C.Over the phone.
7What is the woman going to do tonight?
A.Help her sister with English.
B.Meet her friend at the station.
C.Go to an exhibition with her parents.
8When will the football competition end?
A.On August 17.
B.On August 20.
C.On August 25.
9What do we know about the two speakers?
A.They will both enter the competition.
B.They both work hard at their lessons.
C.They both enjoy swimming.
10Where will the football competition be held?
A.In the city’s stadium.
B.In the speakers’ school.
C.In the park.
11What probably is the woman?
A.A driver.    B.A teacher.    C.A reporter.
湖北公务员考试真题12How long does it take the man to get to school by bike?
A.About an hour.护士资格证报考时间
B.Half an hour.
C.Fifteen minutes.
13What does the man think of the traffic in the city?
14How does the woman feel at the beginning of the conversation?
A.Angry.    B.Surprised.      C.Sad.