    Directions: “Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks”. 英语专八作文评分标准
    第五级:化秀作文(effective munication with accuracies)这样的作丈观点清楚,结构合理,内容充实,语言运用得体,基本没有语言错误.得分在18-20分。
    第四级:良好作文(good munication with few inaccuracies)这样的作文观点明确,结构合理,内容充实,语言运用较得体,稍有语言错误。得分在15-17分。
    第三级:尚可作文(passable munication with some inaccuracies)这样的作文观点明确,结构完整,内容尚可,语言运
    第二级:问题作文(problematic munication with frequent inaccuracies)这样的作丈观点不甚明确,结构不完整,内容匮乏,语言得体性较差,语言错误较多,影响到作文的理解.得分在11-9分。 第一级:失败作文(almost no munication)这样的作丈基本没有达到写作要求,几乎无结构和内容可言,通篇充斥语言错误,无语言得体性可言,作文难以理解.得分在8-6分或以下。
    全球化 globalization
    高科技产品 high-tech products
    盗版 pirated products
    可持续发展 sustainable development
    素质教育 education for all-round development
    quality-oriented education
    学生减负 to reduce study load
    上网 get on line / surf the net
    网民 netizen ( net citizen )
    加入 China’s entry into WTO
    申办奥运会 bid for the Olympic Games
    小康 relatively fortable living standard
    安居工程 housing project for low-e urban residents
    再就业工程 reemployment project
    假冒伪劣商品 fake modities
    腐败现象 corruption phenomenon
    信息化 information-based; informationization 下岗职工 laid-off workers
英语四级    资源枯竭 resources exhaustion
    环保意识 environmental awareness
    美容手术 cosmetic surgery
    如要表示“我认为”,不要仅依靠I think:
    I believe I suppose I maintain I claim I argue I’m convinced that, I’m of the opinion that, I hold the view that
    As for me, As far as I’m concerned, As far as I can see, 如要表示“重要的”,不要仅依靠important:
    significant, vital, essential, crucial, be of great importance, figure prominently/largely It is 。 that counts.
    play a key role, should be taken seriously, attach great importance to
    concerning, regarding, as regards, as to, with regard to华图招聘公告
    with reference to, relevant to, related to, involve , have connection with, have something to do with 如要表示“说明”, 不要仅依靠show: indicate, reveal, demonstrate, convey, suggest, illustrate 如要表示“使”,不要仅依靠make:
    a. This society still makes women unable to enjoy equal rights.
    b. Women are still denied equal rights.
    a. The incident made me recall one of my past experiences.
    b. The incident reminded me of one of my past experiences.
    如要表达“越来越”,不要只使用more and more:
    a. More and more students find learning English has e more and more difficult.
    b. Students in growing numbers find learning has e increasingly difficult.
    a. More and more teenagers smoke cigarettes in recent years.
    b. Teenage smoking is on the rise in recent years.
    a. More and more teachers are demanded with the development of economy.
    b. There is an increasing demand for teachers with the development of economy.
    a. Most students take part-time job after class.
    b. The vast majority of students take a part-time job after class.
    a. Most people take part in sports of different kinds.
    b. The considerable proportion of people takes part in sport of different kinds.
东营市人民政府    a. Most college students take a negative attitude towards smoking.
    b. The large percentage of college population take a negative attitude towards smoking
    如要表达“不仅 ,而且 ”,不要只使用not only but also: a. The factors for a rise in teenage smoking are not only
    social but also psychological.
    b. The factors for a rise in teenage smoking are psychological as well as social.
    a. Taking a part-time job can not only earn a little money, but also have an opportunity to contact with society.
    b. Taking a part-time job means more than a little money you can earn. It also means an opportunity to contact with society.
    a. Old people go to park not only to do exercise but also to make friends.
    b. Old people go to park as much for panionship as for exercise.
    不要总是以有生命的名词和人称代词开头(受汉语表达习惯的影响,不少考生总喜欢以I, People, We 等开头), a. Many people think birth control is quite necessary in
    b. It is widely(monly,generally)
    thought/believed/held/accepted that birth control is quite necessary in China.