2020英语四级考试时间-GRADE EIGHT-
In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.
You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.
Now, listen to the mini-lecture. When it is over, you will be given THREE minutes to check your work.
The Popularity of English
(1) native/first languages
细节题。讲座主要是关于英语流行的主要原因,讲座一开始主要从三方面陈述了英语的使用现状,本题主要针对英语作为一种通用语(lingua franca)的使用情况设题。讲座中第一段的最后一句提到通用语指的是一种广泛地应用于两个不同的本国语者之间的语言,说话者双方或其中一方把该语言作为第二语言来使用。“Then what is a lingua franca?”紧接着在第二段开头提到“The term refers to a language which is widely
adopted…whose native languages are different from each other’s”,所以直接提取答案native languages,即first languages。
(2) 350
细节题。演讲者提到“Then actually how many people speak English as either a first or a second language?”在下面一句演讲者对人数分别进行了具体的介绍“...and anyway between 250-350 million a
s a second language”,由此可见,空格处应该填入数字350。
(3) Historical
细节题。讲座主要从五方面陈述了英语流行的原因,即历史、经济、全球、信息交流以及流行文化,本题针对历史方面的原因设题。演讲者在介绍原因时提到“Let’s go through the reasons one by one.”,然后指出“First is the historical reason”,所以可以直接获得答案Historical。
(4) the Pilgrim Fathers
细节题。文中提到“As we know, when the Pilgrim Fathers landed on the Massachusetts coast in 1620 after their journey from England”,所以是the Pilgrim Fathers(清教徒前辈移民)把英语带到了美国。
(5) Australia
细节题。上文提到清教徒前辈移民把英语带到了美国,接着说“It was the same in Australia, too. When Commander Phillip planted the British flag in Sydney cove on the 26th January, 1788, it was not just a bunch of British convicts on their guardians, but also a language”,所以英国的殖民者把这一语言带到了澳大利亚。
(6) former British Empire
细节题。演讲者在谈论了英语盛行的两个历史方面的原因之后,紧接着也提到了第三个方面,“In other parts of the former British Empire, English rapidly became a unifying or dominating means of control。”所以答案确定为former British Empire。
(7) international commerce
细节题。本题围绕英语流行的第二大因素,即经济原因。演讲者在第五段开头提到“the second major factor in the spread of English has been the spread of commerce throughout the world”。由此可以得出答案为commerce throughout the world。小学教师资格证怎么报名
呼和浩特招生考试信息网紧接着演讲者提到“The spread of international commerce has taken English along with it”,此处的“international commerce”和前一句的“commerce throughout the world”属于同义复述,所以答案为international commerce。
(8) business community
细节题。在介绍经济方面的原因时,讲座中提到“And without doubt, English is used as the language of communication in the international business community”,所以英语被作为国际商业团体交流使用语言。
(9) Boom
细节题。本题关于英语流行的第三大因素,即国际旅行(international travel)。演讲者在讲座中提到“And the third factor related to the popular use of English is the boom in international travel.”由此确定答案为Boom,注意要大写。
(10) travel and tourism
细节题。讲座中提到“And you will find that much travel and tourism is carried on around the world in English”,所以应填入的是travel and tourism。
(11) traffic control
细节题。演讲者在介绍英语由于国际旅行而盛行的原因时介绍了四方面的原因,即旅行、旅游中的使用,机场标志、机场广播、空中交通管制,本题针对第四方面原因—空中交通管制设题。讲座中提到空中交通管制也喜欢使用英语,同时广泛应用于海上旅行通信,结合and前后并列的两部分,所以此处应该填traffic control。
(12) Information exchange
细节题。讲座中提到英语使用如此流行的另一个因素,“Another factor has something to do with information exchange around the world”,也就是世界范围内的信息交换。
(13) conferences
细节题。本题针对英语流行的第四方面原因设题。演讲者在讲座中提到“Another factor has something to do with information exchange around the world.”接下来,演讲者提到一是英语在academic discourse中的应用,另外是英语在conferences和journal articles上的应用。结合题目,确定答案为conferences。
(14) many radios
细节题。最后,演讲者介绍了最后一个影响因素,即popular culture方面的原因,指出Pop music in E
nglish can be heard on many radios,因此空格处填入many radios。事业编职级并行2022年实施
(15) split
细节题。演讲者在最后一段进行总结时提出了几个问题。其中第二个问题是“Will it split into varieties that become less mutually intelligible?”所以填入直接提取split即可。
The Popularity of English
Good morning, every one. Today’s lecture is about the popularity of English. As we all know, English is widely used in the world. Although English is not the language with the largest number of native or first language speakers, it has really become a lingua franca. Then what is a lingua franca?
[1]The term refers to a language which is widely adopted for communication between two speakers whose native languages are different from each other’s, and where one or both speakers are using it
as a second language. For example, when an Indian talks to a Singaporean using English, then English is the lingua franca. Then actually how many people speak English as either a first or a second language?
[2]Some researchers suggested a few years ago that between 320—380 million people spoke English as a first language, and anyway between 250—350 million as a second language. And of course, if we include people who are learning English as a foreign language all over the world, that number may increase dramatically. Then we may ask a question: how did English get there? That is, how did English gain the present status of popularity?
There are in fact a number of interlocking reasons for the popularity of English as a lingua franca. Many of the reasons are historical, but they also include economic and cultural factors that have influenced and sustained the spread of the language. Let’s go through the reasons one by one.
[3]First is the historical reason. This is related to the colonial history. [4]As we know, when the Pilgrim Fathers landed on the Massachusetts coast in 1620 after