2.SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.
Types of Language TestingI. Placement— sort new students into【T1】 1【T1】 2— test the student's【T2】 3rather than specific points of learning【T2】 4— Interview as a good form of placement tests:-【T3】 5 both positive and negative factors that【T3】 6are not revealed by written tests- assess both【T4】 7 and fluency【T4】 8II. Diagnostic— also called【T5】 9 or progress tests【T5】 10— check student's progress after learning【T6】 11【T6】 12— the results【T7】 13 those learning well, meanwhile,【T7】 14give feedback to those notIII.【T8】 15【T8】 16— also called【T9】 17【T9】 18— examine a longer period of learning than diagnostic tests— determine which level a student lies with【T10】 19 standard【T10】 20IV. Proficiency— assess the student's ability in【T11】 21【T11】 22— test student's ability to repair【T12】 23in communication【T12】 24— An example of proficiency test:【T13】 25【T13】 26-【T14】 27: to measure the ability to understand English【T14】 28as it is spoken in US-
Structure and Written Expression: to examine the knowledge ofstructural and【T15】 29points in standard written English【T15】 30- Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension: to test the ability to understand a variety of reading materials
Types of Language TestingI. Placement— sort new students into【T1】 31【T1】 32— test the student's【T2】 33rather than specific points of learning【T2】 34— Interview as a good form of placement tests:-【T3】 35 both positive and negative factors that【T3】 36are not revealed by written tests- assess both【T4】 37 and fluency【T4】 38II. Diagnostic— also called【T5】 39 or progress tests【T5】 40— check student's progress after learning【T6】 41【T6】 42— the results【T7】 43 those learning well, meanwhile,【T7】 44give feedback to those notIII.【T8】 45【T8】 46— also called【T9】 47【T9】 48— examine a longer period of learning than diagnostic tests— determine which level a student lies with【T10】 49 standard【T10】 50IV. Proficiency— assess the student's ability in【T11】 51【T11】 52— test student's ability to repair【T12】 53in communication【T12】 54— An example of proficiency test:【T13】 55【T13】 56-【T14】 57: to measure the ability to understand English【T14】 58as it is s
poken in US- Structure and Written Expression: to examine the knowledge ofstructural and【T15】 59points in standard written English【T15】 60- Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension: to test the ability to understand a variety of reading materials(分数:30.00)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:teaching groups)贵州准考证打印入口
解析:解析:讲座的主题是“types of language testing(语言测试的类别)”。其中,第一种是安置性测试(placement tests),即把新生分为不同的教学组(sort new students into teaching groups)。此处填入原文原词teaching groups。潍坊科技学院
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:general ability)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:disclose)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:oral production)
解析:解析:这里填入的内容表示访问的好处。讲座谈到,访问的好处是有机会评估话语产出和流利程度。由于空格后已给出了fluency,故填入oral production。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:formative)
解析:解析:说到诊断性测试(diagnostic test)的时候,讲座说,该测试有时被称为影响发展的或进步的测试(formative or progress test)。题目已经给出了progress,此处应填入formative。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:a/one particular point)
解析:解析:讲座提到,诊断性测试是为了在讲完某个特别点之后进行检测。故填入a/one particular point。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:encourage)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:Achievement)
解析:解析:讲座接下来提到的是成绩测试(achievement tests)。根据题目,此处应填入Achievement,注意A要大写。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:an attainment test//attainment tests)
解析:解析:讲座提到,成绩测试也叫an attainment test,故填入an attainment test或attainment tests都可以。
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:正确答案:constant)
解析:解析:讲座提到,最重要的是该标准尽可能地在不同课程、年复一年的过程中都保持不变(standard remainsconstant),并且延伸到个人课堂或者教科书中。此处填入原文出现的constant。