1、In March 2016, South Korean Go grandmaster Lee Se-dol was beaten by AlphaGo in the final round of the chess game and thus lost the match. AlphaGo is a great success of artificial intelligence (AI). While researchers are excited because of this event, many Internet users are concerned that human intelligence will be at a disadvantage compared to AI in the future. So will artificial intelligence replace human intelligence? The following two excerpts are people's different opinions about this debate.
贵州人才信息网(贵州省人才市场)   Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should:
   1. summarize the positive and negative opinions expressed in the excerpts, and then
   2. express your opinion about this debate, especially what humans can do to avoid the possibility of being controlled or even threatened by highly developed artificial intelligence.
   Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization, and language quality.2023年宁夏事业编招聘职位
   Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
2、题目要求:According to the revised Criminal Laws, cheating in Civil Service Exams would be listed as a criminal offense. This has aroused a hot debate on this issue. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:
   1. summarize briefly the different opinions;
   2. give your comment.
   Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
   Authorities announce severe punishment for those caught cheating in the upcoming National Civil Service Exams, the State Administration of Civil Service said, adding that c
heating would be listed as a criminal offense according to the revised Criminal Laws. The laws state that cheaters in national exams would be sentenced up to three years in prison, held in custody or fined. In serious cases, the violators would be sentenced to three-to-seven years in prison. The following offers different opinions on this issue.
   Pnp (the UK)
   Support! All cheats must be sentenced to jail; more so with civil servants because if they can cheat on exams they can also cheat while at work. That includes corruption, using state funds for private purposes, playing golf when they should be working, and spending state funds on dinners, etc.! Cheaters have no moral character to hold any job, private or public!
   Voy (Malaysia)
   Totally disagree. Putting students in jail because of cheating on National Civil Exams is nonsense. It's a wrong policy, as cheating on exams does not indicate students are crimin
als and create risks and damage to society. You put the young students into jail and that will totally ruin their future. A warning note should be given and the warned students should retake the exam by next year.
   Crystal (China)
   As the old saying goes, once a cheater, always a cheater. What is to stop the cheater from cheating again if the punishment is not severe? If the risk is not high enough they will continue to take the chance later in life. A heavier punishment is the only way to let the students understand the severity of their actions.
   Ted (the UK)
   It is difficult to imagine 1.4 million students all taking the same tests at the same time. The logistics of this must be enormous. Anything so huge will inevitably create opportunities for cheating. To resolve this problem requires very strict administration and supervision and very harsh penalties for those caught. Also go to the root of the problems
caused by this examination by changing its structure and content. The damage it causes to broad and balanced education is clear.
   Wanderista (the US)
   Cheating is extremely unfair to other students who have put hours of study and research into the examination. Meanwhile, letting it go is going to do nothing good for the students who cheat on exams. By punishing them severely it helps them see that cheating gets them nowhere in life—it applies to outside of school as well. They need to learn the value of hard work and will give up their fantasy of cheating their way through life.
   Francy (Canada)
   I think there should be some kind of punishment but it would not have to be so cruel. It should ring a warning bell for all the examinees, especially those risk takers. It would be fine as long as they realize that there are consequences for their actions so they will not c
ontinue to make mistakes latex'. About the punishments, suspension can be given, as well as a failing mark for that paper and no re-test should be allowed.