1. On Monday morning it usually ( ) me an hour to drive to work.
A. take
B. takes(正确答案)
C. is taking
D. will take
高考在线估分系统2. The young couple often eats out because ( ) of them can cook.
A. both
B. either(正确答案)
C. neither
D. none
3. Not only I but also Johnny and Rose ( ) fond of swimming and fishing.
A. are(正确答案)
B. is
C. be
D. am
4. It is known to all that the Yellow River is the second ( ) river in China.
A. long
B. longer
C. longest(正确答案)
D. the longest
5. For some reason, I won't be able to ( ) tomorrow's lecture on American history.
A. admit
B. attend(正确答案)
C. attempt
D. assist
6. ( ) English articles is a good way to improve English.
A. Read
B. Reading(正确答案)
C. Having read
D. Have read
7. My wife suggest that we ( ) have a picnic for a change this weekend.
A. should(正确答案)
B. might
C. could
D. would
8. Lucy will go home for a vacation as soon as she ( ) her exams.
A. finishes(正确答案)
B. will finish
C. finished
D. had finished
9. The teacher didn't give them the answers ( ) they finished their homework.
A. while(正确答案)
B. or
C. until
D. when
9. The teacher didn't give them the answers ( ) they finished their homework.
A. while
B. or
C. until(正确答案)
D. when
10. The new policy, ( ) is about the tax reduction , is to be carried out next month.
A. that
B. what
C. it
D. which(正确答案)
11. The pictures reminded him ( ) what he had seen in Shanghai.
A. of(正确答案)
B. in
C. for
D. to
12. For the past forty years, our country ( ) great achievement in economy.
A. has made(正确答案)
B. had made
C. is making
D. was making
13. I don't feel like going out for ( ) in such terrible weather.
A. walk163贵州人事招聘吧
B. the walk
海南考试局C. walks
D. a walk(正确答案)
14. You may use my room as you like ( ) you clean it up afterwards.
A. so far as
B. as long as(正确答案)
C. in case
D. even if
15. It is ( ) the law in some countries to leave little kids alone in the house. 四级英语报名
A. beyond
B. against(正确答案)
C. without
D. within
16. After the mine accident a group of experts were sent to ( ) the matter.
初级会计实务电子书A. look into(正确答案)
B. look down upon
C. look through
D. look forward to
17. You never told us why you were absent from the party, ( )?
A. weren't you
B. didn't you
C. did you(正确答案)
D. were you
18. Generally, ambitious students are more ( ) to succeed in their studies.
A. likely(正确答案)
B. possible
C. probable
D. surely
19. How could you ( ) such a good job when you have been out of work for months?
A. turn out
B. turn down(正确答案)
C. turn on
D. turn up
20. Work harder, ( ) you will not be able to finish the task as required.
A. but
B. and
C. or(正确答案)
D. so
21. ( ) is essential for human beings to protect the environment.