  ①China currently has the world’s largest and fastest high-speed railway network。
  ②The speed of high-speed trains will continue to increase, and more cities will build high-speed rail stations。
  ③High-speed rail greatly shortens people‘s travel time。
  ④Comparing to airplanes, one outstanding advantages of high-speed rail trains is punctuality, because they are basically not affected by weather or traffic regulations。
  ⑤High-speed rail has greatly changed the way of life of Chinese people。
  ⑥Today, it has become the preferred means of transportation for many business travelers。
  ⑦More and more people also travel by taking high-speed rail during holidays。
  ⑧There are also many young people choosing to work in a city and live in a nearby city and commute by taking high-speed trains every day。
  Nowadays, China owns the biggest and fastest network of high speed railway in this world and its speed will continue to be increased. More cities will build high speed railway stations. The time spent in travel has been largely shortened. Owing to its feature of unaffected by the weather and traffic control basically, the outstanding advantage of high speed railway is on time compared with airplane. It has changed the lifestyle of Chinese greatly. Now, it has been the first choice for many businessmen in their business trips. An increasing number of people select high speed railway as th
eir transportation means during their vacations. Many young people choose to work in a city but live in a neighboring city and commute by high speed railway.
  China now has the largest and fastest high-speed railway network in the world. The speed of high-speed trains will go
on to be improved. More and more cities are building their high-speed railway stations. High-speed railway has greatly reduced the time people spend on travelling. Compared with planes, the outstanding advantage of high-speed train is that they arrive on time, because basically high-speed trains are not often affected by weather or traffic control. High-speed railway has greatly changed the way of Chinese people’s life. Nowadays, it has become the first choice of transportation of business trips for Chinese people. More and more people also take high-speed trains to travel on holidays. Besides, many young people choose to work in one city and live in a city next to it, and they take high-speed trains to and from work.
河南省招生服务平台  进阶版
  China currently possesses the largest and fastest high-speed railway network in the world. The speed of high-speed trains is expected to be continuously improved, with more and more cities building their high-speed railway stations. High-speed railway significantly cuts back the time people spend on traveling. Compared with planes, the outstanding advantage of high-speed trains is their punctuality, for it is scarcely influenced by weather conditions or traffic control. High-speed railway has tremendously changed Chinese people’s lifestyle. Nowadays, it has become the first option of transportation mode when people are on business trips. A growing number of people also take the high-speed railway to travel on holidays. What’s more, some youngsters choose to work in one city while living in a neighboring one, riding high-speed trains to commute.浙江公务员考试时间2021公告