1.Their victory is out of _C___, for they’ve lost too many men. 他们的胜利是不可能的,因为他们已经失去了太多的人。
A question    B questions      C the question     D a question
2.“Where is your father?” “Oh, ___B______”.
内蒙古教师招聘考试A he here comes B here he comes 徐州市2022年公务员职位表C here comes he D here does he come
3.Which is the largest number of the following? ____C___.下面那个最大
A Fifty percent  50%      B Two divided by three 2/3  C Zero point eight0.8   D Seventy percent70%
4.The company is very famous _A_____ the high quality of its products.{这家公司由于产品质量高而闻名 be  famous for   因。。。闻名}
A for        B in        C by            D with
5Our factory has_____D____. {我们的工厂有许多消防设备}
  A. many fire equipments      B. much equipment of fire
C. many equipments of fire    D. much fire equipment
6.My teacher was made ____A__ his teaching because of his poor health  {.be  make to do sth  }被迫做某事  我的老师因为身体状况不好所以被迫放弃了教学
A to give up    B give up      C given up      D giving up
7.Sometimes people just say eight-fifteen _D___ a quarter past eight.  {815代替8点一刻}
A out of      B ahead of      C because of    D instead of
8.I feel very helpless to see the _B____ telephone bill.{我感觉非常的无助看到电话费的增多}
A including    B increasing       C declaring      D decreasing
9.I haven’t seen her for years, but I could still _A____ her voice on the phone."
A recognize   B realize        C hear            D know
10.When I got up this morning, I felt the temperature had____B______.{今天早上我起床时,我感受到的温度已经下降}
A sunk      B fallen          C dropped        D lowed
11.The mountain is __A____ 6.3 kilometers high, but it is not the highest one.
A nearly    B near            C neat            D neatly
12.Frankly, I’d rather you ___A___ anything about it for the time being. {若表现现在或将来做某事从句谓语动词用过去时。do坦白地说,我宁愿你现在对此事什么也不要做  would rather后面用虚拟语气}
A didn’t do    B don’t do        C will not do        D
13.Now we may be able to say ___B___ between music and noise.
A that what the difference              B what the difference is
C the difference is what                D what is the difference
14.Mary realized she____C_____  ,
A is made fun of  B was making fun of  C was being made fun of  D is being made fun of
15. It ____A____ this way{. 2021年辽宁省省考公务员used to do sth 过去做某事
He used to smoke a lot.他过去抽太多的烟。
(be used to do 被用来做什么,Cdo this way 讲不通。
be used to doing 习惯做某事
He is used to having breakfast late.他习惯于晚些吃早餐。
We did it this way.
所以是It used to be done this way.}
中小学免费教育资源网课件A used to be done  B is used to doing  C is used to do    D used to do
16. I ___C_____ stay home than go to the cinema. {would rather do than do 
prefer doing sth to doing sth
prefer to do rather than do
had better do
would like to do sth
would rather do than do 
A would prefer    B would better  C would rather     D had better
17. Darwin did not mean to attack抨击 people’s different religious ____B____.
A belief      B beliefs     C believes            D believs
18.“How did you pay the workers?” “As a rule, they are paid by __C____.”{ 你怎样支付工人的报酬?
一般来说按小时计酬。pay sb. by the hour 按小时支付 by the week 按周  by the month 按月
sell  sth by weight 按重量出售(没有the
take /hold / catch sb. by the 身体某一部位
hit sb. in the face ,但: hit sb on the cheek
the 身体某一部位
buy sth. by the dozen 按打地}
A hour        B an hour      C the hour          D hours
19. We must try to avoid these mistakes ___D___{.避免被重复 表被动}
A repeat      B repeating    C be repeated      D being repeated