一、单项选择题 (本大题共21小题,每小题1分,共21分)
Choose the best answers from the choices given and put the letter in the brackets.
1. Natalie ________fault with the way her husband eats.    (  )
A. has always found           B. always found
C. is always finding           D. always finds
2.We______ in France now, but the flight_______.  (  )
A. are; puts off               B. were; was put off
C. were to arrive; put off       D. were to have been; was put off
3. The ghost ______ as the clock_____ twelve.  (    )
A. appeared, was striking       B. appeared, struck
C. was appearing. struck 湖南职称评审网      D. was appearing, was striking
4. Once a satellite ____into orbit round Pluto, scientists will be able to find a great deal. (  )
A. will be put                B. has been put
上海事业编报名时间C. would be put              D. was put
5. You talk as though it, ________ a small thing to leave the country for good.  (  )
A.is         B. was     C. will be       D. were
6. The method of painting is known as _________ far back as the Song Dynasty.  (  )
A. to be used               B. to have used
C. to have been using        D. to have been used
7. There used to be an old apple tree in the garden, _执业医师成绩什么时候出来______?  (    )
A. used there  B. could there  C. was there    D. use there陕西省人事职称信息网
8. The boss demanded that the letter _______typed today.  (    )
A. can be       B. should be   C. shall be     D. must be
9. Aren't you tired? I _____ you ______enough for today.  (    )
A. think; did                     B. thought; had done
C. would have thought; had done   D. should have thought; did
10. Let me start with a ____ issue before I explain the problem of our major concern. (  )
A. less         B. more       C. lesser       D. least
11. I went to see my parents________ National Day.  (  )
A. on         B.at           C. in         D. for
12. They are going to visit Sydney _______Christmas.  (  )
A. at         B. in           C. for         D. on
13. While, _____, for costs _______, my solicitor's case quite obviously revolved around the fact that I had a ‘brilliant academic record’.  (  )
A. asked; awarded           B. asking; awarded
C. asked; to be awarded       D. asking; to be awarded
14. The mother didn't know who _______ for the broken vase. (  )
A. blames八所海事局     B. blamed     C. to blame   D. will blame
15. Judging from the latest information, you'd better make up your mind now
it is too _____ late. ()
A. after       B. since       C. when       D. before
16. She was very angry with the person _______ called her early in the morning.  ( )
A. which       B. who       C. whom       D./
17. Thank you very much for the lovely toy _______ you sent my son. (  )
A. where     B. who       C. whom      D./
18. _______, they refused to come to the party.  (    )
A. Strange enough       B. Slowly
C. Happily             D. Always
19. It is true that John drove _______.  (  )
A. frankly               B. all of a sudden
C. slowly               D. clearly
20. She stood up _______ order to see better. (  )
A. in                   B. by
C. at                   D. on
21. I used to read a lot ______ I don't have much time for books now. ( )
A. although             B. since
C. as                  D. nevertheless
二、多项选择题 (本大题共8小题,每小题2分,共16分)
Fill in each of the blanks with one of the items given.
22. is, are, was, were, will be, shall be
Except for the eatable that ______ allowed into the spot, everything else ______ confiscated that day.
23. is, are, was, were, itself, himself, themselves
The family _____ enjoying _______ immensely at the Spring Festival dinner party.
24. be, is, was, are, were, will be, shall be洛阳市人事考试中心
a. Three years ______ too long a time for the master program.
b. Three-fourths of the water in the bottle ____expected to leak out within ten minutes.
25. than, as, more, so, less
She speaks French _______ well ______ the rest of us.
26. is, are, has, have, having
A team which _____ full of enthusiasm ______ a better chance of winning.
27. woman, women, has, have, having
The number of _______ doctors in the hospital ______ increased dramatically over the past decade.
28. than, as, more, most, the
_______ more money he makes, the ______ useless things he buys.
29. bacteria, optics, nucleus, jeans, measles, cattle
a. Singular only: _______