英译汉:控制饮食Are you having difficulty following diets?Our lives are way more complex than those which allow us to stick to a monotonous restrictive diet.Food psychologist Ridhi Golechha(里迪•格莱查)said,If all of us could follow diets:we'd all have reached our goals.Real-life stresses such as lockdown anxiety,relationship conflicts,workload, financial stresses,exasperating parenting,teenage drama:and so much more directly impact how we feel and by virtue:what we eat.If:on paper:diets were so easy to follow,then we'd all be part of that tiny ten percent of people in the world(athletes,models,or actresses)-who are permanently fit.'
潍坊事业单位招聘网We all know of those rough days when all we want is too drown our faces in a tub of ice cream or reach out for that melting chocolate cake. "Emotional eating is nothing but eating our emotions.We're all human with emotions and hunger.By that definition,all of us are emotional eaters,we turn to food when we re overwhelmed with anger,sadness;frustration;or any other significant emotion:explained Ridhi.
There Ts a reason why the butterfly comes back to suck sweet nectar from the flowers,in turn pollinating the rest of the garden.Humans:much like animals.Birds,and insects,are hardwired for pleasure.But here's the catch:we humans are afraid of cheesy Pizza:they'll be会计专业专升本要考哪些科目
overwhelmed with pleasure,lose control,and end up finishing the whole Pizza.We fear this would result in a failed diet,weight gain:and massive guilt:so we avoid it altogether.But,it doesn't work.
Biology suggests otherwise.Like every other species:homo sapiens were also built for survival.It is pleasure that drives humans to repeat the feel-good behaviour endlessly—explained Ridhi.
When does emotional eating become worrisome?"Largely:there's nothing wrong with that.We do eat to manage and cope with our feelings,especially those that don't feel so good because eating itself is so biologically rewarding.It's completely okay if we're doing it once in a while,because as I said we're all evolutionarily wired to emotional eating. However,if we re constantly depending on food to swallow our difficult emotions and discomforts,leaving us with a feeling of guilt constantly at the end of it:then definitely,we need to work on it”:said Ridhi.
What can we do to reduce emotional eating?According to Ridhi:the reason we fail diets is that we try to fight biology and suppress our emotions,which only works temporarily.To make long-lasting changes, we must address the toot causes of emotional eating.Here are a few tips to get you started:
First,don't skip meals.Starring often confuses your biological hunger drives and makes you more vul
nerable to eat your emotions.Second understand the difference between actual physical hunger versus
emotional hunger.Third,make a list of the top three emotions you feel weakly and start finding different ways to cope with them.Fourth,talk to an expert.It's better not to ignore your emotional eating since it can later cause health issues like different that will take away your urge by distracting you momentarily.
Emotional eating is a message that reveals a deeper problem. Understanding yourself and the way you eat can address the root causes and enable you to live a life that is beyond food obsessions and the fear of failing your diets.
According to a new International labour organization,unemployment is projected to increase by arou
nd2.5million in2020.As the global labour force increases,not enough new jobs are being generated to absorb new entrants to the labour market.Almost half a billion people are working fewer paid hours than they would like or lack adequate access to paid work.
For millions of ordinary people,it's increasingly difficult to build better lives through work.Persisting and substantial work-related inequalities and exclusion are preventing them from finding decent work and better
futures.That's an extremely serious finding that has profound and worrying implications for social cohesion.
The mismatch between labour supply and demand extends beyond unemployment into broader labour underutilization.In addition to the global number of unemployed(180million),165million people don't have enough paid work and120million have either given up actively searching for work or otherwise lack access to the labour market.In total, more than470million people worldwide are affected.
最近最新新闻At the global level,income inequality is higher than previously thought, especially in developing countries.Worldwide,the share of national income going to labour(rather than to other factors of prod
uction) declined substantially between2004and2017,from54percent to51 percent.With this economically significant fall being most pronounced in Europe,Central Asia and the Americas.
Moderate or extreme working poverty is excepted to edge up in2020-21 in developing countries,increasing the obstacles to achieving Sustainable Development Goal I on eradicating poverty everywhere by2030. Currently working poverty(defined as earning less than us$3.20per day in purchasing power parity terms)affects more than630million workers, or one in five of the global working population.
Other significant inequalities-—defined by gender,age,and geographic location—remain stubborn features of current labour markets,limiting