研究生考试科目时间安排2021年广西公务员考试时间2021年6月英语六级(第2套)听力真题 短文(1)
二级建造师报考条件  Passage One文章一
  People write to ask me if there's correlation between academic intelligence and emotional intelligence.人们写信问我智商和情商之间是否有联系。My answer is no.答案是没有。You can have a high IQ and a high EQ, which, of course, is a winning combination, or be high in one and low in the other.当然,你可以拥有高智商和高情商,当然,这是一组完美的结合,又或者只有一方面占优势。The best study was done at Bell Labs in New Jersey, a very high IQ place.美国新泽西州的贝尔实验室在这个人们普遍拥有高智商的地方做了充分的研究。They do research into development for the communications industry.他们还对通讯业的发展做了深入的了解。In a division of electronic engineers, who were designing equipments so advanced that they work in teams of up to 150, co-workers and managers were asked to nominate the standouts- the stars in productivity and effectiveness.该研究对一组多达150人的从事设计工作的电子工程师进行分组,然后,同事和经理选出业绩与工作能力较为突出的佼佼者。They came up with 10 or 15 names, and that group of stars was compared with everyone else.他们选出十或十五个名字,之后把每一组里较为出的人与其他人进行比较。
It turned out there was no difference in IQ, no difference in academic qualifications, no difference in years on the job.事实证明,这些人的智商、学历以及工作年限没有太大的区别。The only difference was emotional intelligence.他们唯一的差距就是情商。The stars were people who knew how to get along, who knew how to motivate themselves, usually the kind of people you like to hang out with.这些比较优秀的人知道怎样为人处世,知道如何勉励自己,身边的人也大都愿意与之相处。When these people ran up against a technical problem, to which they'd have to turn to someone else for an answer, they'd e-mail and get an answer right away, because they built up a network of people before they needed them.当这些人遇到技术问题时,会以发邮件的形式向其他人寻求帮助,并且立即得到反馈,这是因为平时就已经积累了良好的人脉。The other people would e-mail and wait up to two weeks for an answer.而组里另外的人发送邮件后,可能很久才会收到他人的回复。So you can see how being good in the interpersonal realm actually was a direct benefit, even for effectively pursuing a technical task.所以,你可以真切地感受到良好的人脉所带来的便利,即使是简单、快捷地完成一项技术任务。
  Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.问题16到18是根据上
面文章所提出的问题Question 16. What does the speaker say about Bell Labs问题16.上述内容是如何介绍贝尔实验室的?Question 17. What characterizes the stars nominated at Bell Labs问题17.贝尔实验室挑选的较为出的人都有什么特征?Question 18. What does the speaker say contributes to effectively pursuing a technical task问题18.上述内容中,什么有助于快速地完成一项技术任务?