  Would you like to come over our small party?(你愿意参加我们的小聚会吗?)
  If you ever in Beijing, please do look me up.(如果你来北京,请一定来看我)
  Would you like to join us?(喜欢和我们一起吗?)
  Shall we dance?(我们能够跳个舞吗?)
  Shall we go for a walk?(去散步,好吗?)
  What about another coffee? (再来一杯咖啡?)
  Shall we go to see a film?(去看电影,好吗?)
  May I have a dance with you?(能够请你跳个舞吗?)
  We'd be very honored if you come to our wedding ceremony.(如果你能参加婚礼,我们将感到非常的荣幸。)
  Would you honor us with a visit?(可否赏光来我们这儿?)
  I'd like to invite you to attend our graduation ceremony.(我希望你能参加我们的毕业典礼。)
  I'm very sorry, but can we make it another time?(很对不起,下次能够吗?)
  Welcome to our city!(欢迎光临我们的城市!)
2023年四级查分时间  Are you free this evening? I want to pay you a visit.(晚上有时间吗? 我想去看你。)
  I really can't thank you enough for the invitation.(得到你的邀请, 我感激涕零。)
  It's my great honor to attend this grand graduation ceremony.(能参加这次盛大的毕业典礼,我感到非常的荣幸。)
山西省人事考试中心网上考务系统  对于别人邀请的回答要注意分寸,也要礼貌对待。总之,“客套”是此类对话的本质。在听力题目的情景对话中,邀请的日常用语也经常出现。下面是一些模拟听力对话:
全国注册会计师考试  Dialogue 1
  M: Will you do me the honor of dancing with me, Mrs. Jones?
  W: Oh,I'm really sorry. I've done too much of it.
  M: Ok,
  Dialogue 2
  M: Would you like to see a film with me tonight?
  W: Oh,it is great.
  Dialogue 3
  M: How about have a drink in that bar?
  W: I'm afraid I
  骨折的病人:fractured ankle
  集中特护病房:ICU:intensive care unit
  心脏病:heart attack
  airway(航线), airport, sad place, keep in touch, see sb. off.
三支一扶转正概率大吗  问询:
  flight, fly;
  direct flight(直航), transfer;
  arrival, departure(离开,起程), destination;
  one-way ticket(单程票), return ticket(回程票), one-week return ticket(一周往返票);
  first class(头等舱), business class(商务舱), economy class(经济舱), regular class(普通舱);
  airline, airway, airport, air lounge(机场休息室), waiting room(候机室);
  book, reserve, reservation, be booked up(被订满了), get ticket changed, switch;
  on time, delayed, postponed, put off, behind schedule(晚点), cancelled.
  luggage, baggage, suitcase, brief case(公文包), bag, backpack;
  check-in(办理登记手续), board, boarding pass(登机牌), air ticket, the Customs.
  captain(机长), pilot, airhostess(空), passenger, porter(服务员).
  May I know your name?(请问贵姓?)
  It's my pleasure to introduce you to each other.(我非常高兴给你们互相介绍)
  May I introduce Mr. Bill to you all?(请允许我给大家介绍以下比尔先生)
  Margaret,can you introduce me to her?(玛格丽特,你能不能把我介绍给她?)
  Let me introduce you to others.(让我给大家介绍一下你吧)
  Meet my sister Cathy.(这是我的(妹)凯丝)
  Bill,this is Tom.
  Hi,I'm Susan,this is my calling card.(你好!我是苏珊,这是我的名片)
  A: Mum,this is Peter.I mentioned him to you yesterday.He is my new boyfriend!
  B: Oh,yeah,I see.Glad to meet you,Peter.
  C: Glad to meet you too,Mrs Back.This is my calling card.
  B: Oh,the manager of IMC.How come? Mary,you said last night he was only a milkman…
  A: Yeah, mum.Peter is a milkman.He is the manager of International Milk Corporation.You see,he is the only person in his corporation he founded this morning.
  B: My God!