  Winners do not dedicate their lives to a concept of what they imagine they should be: rath报考上海公务员的基本条件
er, they are themselves and as such do not use their energy putting on a performance, maintaining pretence, and manipulating others. They are aware that there is a difference between being loving and acting loving, between being stupid and acting stupid, between being knowledgeable and acting knowledgeable. Winners do not need to hide behind a mask. Winners are not afraid to do their own thinking and to use their own knowledge. They can separate facts from opinions and don’t pretend to have all the answers. They listen to others, evaluate what they say, but come to their own conclusions. Although winners can adore and respect other people, they are not totally defined, demolished, bound, or awed by them.
  Beyond all that is the profound significance of children to the very institution of the family itself. To many people, husband and wife alone do not seem a proper family —they need children to enrich the circle, to validate its family character, to gather the redemptive influence of offspring. Children need the family, but the family seems also to need children, as the social institution uniquely available, at least in principle, for security, comfort, assurance, and direction in a changing, often hostile, world. To most people, such a home base, in the literal sense, needs more than one person for sustenance and in generational extension
  对于世界上很多国家来说,中国正迅速成为他们最重要的双边 (bilateral)贸易伙伴.然而,中国和世界其他国家之间贸易不平衡的问题已经引发了关注.尤其是美国对中国的贸易赤字是最大的,达到了3150亿美元,这个数字是十年前的三倍还多.贸易纠纷(trade dispute)也越来越多,主要是关于倾销(dumping)、知识产权和人民币的估价.
  For many countries around the world, China is rapidly becoming their most important bilateral trade partner. However,there have been concerns over large trade imbalances between China and the rest of the world. The US in particular has the largest trade deficit in the world with China at $315 billion, more than three times what it was a decade ago. There have also been a growing number of trade disputes brought against, mainly for dumping, intellectual property and the valuation of the yuan.
  有些国家为了处理他们与中国的贸易,建立了专门的机构。CCBC是加中贸易理事会,该机构协助处理两国间的贸易项目。另外一个有此功能的机构是英中贸易协会(the China-Britain Business Council)。该机构设立的目的是协助中英两国间的贸易。同时,中国也帮助国内的年轻人在商业上抢占先机。中国青年创业国际计划旨在帮助年轻人进行创业。另外,中国还发行了一些商业杂志,来帮助中国人跟进国际商业领域的新发展。
  Some countries have special organizations set up for dealing with their business with China. CCBC is the Canada China Business Council which helps with the trade between the two countries.Another organization of the same function is the China-Britain Business Council. This organization has been established to facilitate the trade between the UK and China. At the same time, China serves for the young people to grab the favorable business opportunities. Youth Business China aims at helping young people to start a business. China also publishes several business magazines to help the Chinese people to keep track of the development in the international commercial areas.
  改革开放以来,中国的投资环境发生了翻天覆地的变化。20世纪80年代早期,中国限制外资投资出口导向型企业(export-oriented corporation),要求外资跟中国公司建立合资关系。自20世纪90年代早期开始,中国允许外资在国内市场生产并销售各种商品,还允许建立外资独资公司(foreign-owned enterprise)。今天,中国作为世贸组织的一员,改革开放依然是中国发展的核心。目前,外商投资企业的产品约占中国出口产品总数的一半,中国仍然在大量引进外资。
  China’s investment climate has changed dramatically since the reform and opening up. In the early 1980s, China restricted foreign capital to invest in the export-oriented corporation and required foreign investors to set up the joint-venture partnerships with Chinese firms. Since the early 1990s,China has allowed foreign investors to manufacture
and sell a wide range of goods on the domestic market.The establishment of foreign-owned enterprises were also authorized. Today,as a member of the World Trade Organization, the reform and opening up remains central to China’s development. Currently, products of foreign-invested enterprises account for about half of China’s exports, and China continues to attract large investment.
  中欧经济贸易合作取得了可喜的成果。欧盟已经成为中国的重要经贸伙伴,是中国最大的技术供应方、第三大贸易伙伴和第五大实际投资方。2001年,中欧贸易达到766亿美元,比上一年增长11%,尤其是中国从 欧盟的进口增长了 15.8%。我非常赞赏欧中(Europe-China Business Association)与比中经贸理事会 (Belgium-Chinese Economic and Commercial Council)为发展中欧关系所做出的努力。中欧经济贸易合作具有广阔的前景。中欧经济具有很强的互补性,在贸易、投资、科技等领域具有很大的合作潜力。公务员级别分类>山西吕梁人事人才网