    1. B]Her claim has been completely disregarded
    2. B)The ground floor of their cottage was flooded
    3. A)The womans failure to pay her house insurance in time
    6. D)Less time-consuming and focusing on creation
    7. C)Digital life could replace human civilization
    8. A)lt will be smarter than human beings
    9. C)Save one-ffth of their net monthly income
    10. D)Start by doing something small
    11.A)A proper mindset
    12. A)She found her outfit inappropriate
    13. D)To save the trouble of choosing a unique outfit every day
    14. B)it matters a lot in jobs involving interactions with other
安徽省公务员考试报名时间    15.C)
    17. A)Things that we cherish most
    18. C)They serve multiple purposes 为什么国税局天天招人
    19. D)Over 10% of the respondents lied about the distance the drove
    20. B)They want to protect their reputation
    21 Cthey seem intuitive
    22. A)Older peoples aversion to new music.
    23. C)They find all music sounds the same.
    24. A)The more you experience something, the better youll appreciate it.
    25. D)Teenagersemotions are more intense
    This idea of taxing things that are…
    26.A. discouraging
    27.E. impaired
    28.J. instrumental
    30.G. incentives
    31.M. probably
    32.B. dividend
    34.H. inherently
    Slow Hope
    36.[E] Some of today s narratives aboutthe future seem tosuggest that wetoo,likePrometheus, will be saved by a newHercules ,a divineengineer someone who will master-mind, manoeuvre andmanipulate our planet .
    37.DWeneedan acknowledgement of ourpresent ecologi-cal plight but also a language of pasitivechange, visions ofabetterfuture .
    38.[C] Today we can no longer ignore theecological cursesthat we have released in our search for warmth and com-fort.
    39.[K] The unscrupulous (无所忌的)commodificationoffood and the destruction of foodstuffs wilcontinue to dev-a states oils, livelihoods andecologies .
    40.[D] Acceleration is the signature ofour time .
    41.[G] This much is clear we need to findways that help usflatten the hockey-stick curves that reflect ourever-fasterpace of ecological destruction and social acceleration .
    42.[A] Our world is full of-mostlyuntold-star ies of slowhope, driven by the idea thatchange is possible .
    43.[F] Yet,ifweenvisage our salvation to come from a deusexmachina(解围之种), from a divine engineer or a techsolutionist who wll miraculously conjure up a new source ofenergy or another cure-allwith revolutionary patency ,wemight be looking in thewrong place .
    44[L] We need an acknowledgement of ourpresent eco lagi-cal plight but also a language of positive change , visions ofabetter future .
    45.[B] At the beginning of time-so goesthe myth-humanssuffered , shivering in the cold anddark until the titan(巨人) Prometheus stole fire from thegods.
    46.B) The near impossibility ofappreciating art in an age of mass tourism.
    47.B) It is quite common to misinterpretartistic works.
    48.C) Good management is key to handlinglarge crowds ofvisitors.
会计中级考试    49.BItis possible to combineentertainment with apprecia-tion of serious art.
    50.C Helpustosee the world from adifferent perspective.
    51.D) It takes no notice of the potentialimpact on the envi-@ronment.
    52.A It has the capacity and thefinancial resources to do so.
    53.D) Farming consumes most of ournatural resources.
    54.D) Its alleged failure to regulate theindustries.
    55.B) Endeavor to ensure the sustainabledevelopment ofagriculture.
    Virtually every activity that entails orfacilitates…
    28.F. foreseeable
    31.D. disruptions
    32.B. credited
    33.A. credential
    Why lifelong leaming is the inte mationalpassport to suc-cess
    36.[H] Those projects are then interwovenwith fast-pacedtechnical modules (模块)learnedon-the-flyandatwilr depending on the nature of the project .
    37.[E] The Bachelars degree could beyour passport to lifo-long learning .
    38.[B] Why?Because universities andcurricula are designedalong the three unities of French classical tragedy : time,ac-tion,andplace.