学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________
1.Which play is not a comedy?( )
A.A Midsummer Night ′s Dream
B.The Merchant of Vince
C.As You Like it
D.Romeo and Juliet
消防报名入口2.This photo shows a( )image of the driver who hit the passerby and ran.
A.plain B.distinct C.obvious D.evident
3.Of the following writers,( )is NOT a Nobel Prize Winner.
A.Samuel Beckett
B.James Joyce
C.John Galsworthy
D.William Butler Yeats
4.The Great Charter was signed in( )and had( )clauses.
A.1251,63 B.1251,73 C.1215,63 D.1215,73
5.China is an agricultural country,therefore agriculture is inevitably( )in national economy.
A.inevitable B.fundamental C.radical D.basic
6.He( )with Smith at least four times in the past three years.
A.has been seen to meet
B.was seen to meet
重庆市人事考试网C.had been seen meeting
D.is seen meeting
7.I apologize if I( )you,but I assure you it was unintentional.
B.had offended
C.should have offended
D.might have offended
8.The following American states are among the first thirteen colonies except( ).
A.Maryland B.South Carolina C.Delaware D.Colorado
9.The northern part of the Australia has a tropical climate with only two seasons,and the dry season lasts from( ).
A.January to June
B.July to November
C.November to April
D.May to October
10.The unique island( )of Hainan attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year.
A.scenery B.sight C.scene D.landscape
11.In communication,a smile is usually( )strong sign of a friendly and( )open attitude.
A.the,/ B.a,an C.a,/ D.the,an
12.The“first Americans”are( )
A.the Aborigines B.the Maori C.the Indians D.the Eskimos
13.Of the following writers,( )is NOT included in the group of naturalists.
A.Stephen Crane
B.Frank Norris
C.Theodore Dreiser
D.Herman Melville
14.( ) is the defining properties of units like number, gender, case.
国家电网考试大纲2022A.Parts of speech
B.Word classes
C.Grammatical categories
D.Functions of words
15.The color in her shirt( )gently after it was washed by washing machine.
A.faded B.vanished C.dissolved D.evaporated
16.Among the following poets, who is NOT a lake poet?( )
A.Samuel Taylor Coleridge
B.Robert Southey
C.William Wordsworth
D.William Colins
17.My grandparents always enjoy the( )of their relatives.
Apany Bpanion C.accompaniment Dpassion
18.In an effort to( )culture shocks,I think it is necessary to know something about the nature of culture.
A.get over
19.We( )the radio signals for help from the ship.
广东省考公务员面试A.pick up B.pick at C.pick off D.pick out
20.I just wonder( )that makes him so excited.
A.why it does B.what he does C.how it is D.what it is
21.( )laid the foundations of English state.
A.Celts B.The Anglo-Saxons C.The Romans D.The Normans
22.It was the training that he had as a young man( )made him such a good engineer.
A.has B.later C.which D.that
23.Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent( ),or pronghorn.
A.it is the American antelope
B.the American antelope is
C.is the American antelope
D.the American antelope
24.( )is a typical tone language.
A.French B.Chinese C.American English D.English
25.The Grapes of Wrath is a masterpiece of ( )
A.John Steinbeck B.John Winthrop C.John Updike D.John Cotton
26.Which of the following novelists wrote The Sound and the Fury?( )
A.William Faulkner
B.Ernest Hemingway
C.Scott Fitzgerald
D.John Steinbeck
27.They gave each other a big hug with( ),since they haven’t seen each other for 15 years.
A.passion B.sensation C.ion
28.The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countries ( )
A.that speak English as their native language
B.that have a large number of British immigrants
C.that were once colonies of Britain
D.that fought on the side of Britain in the two world wars
29.Which of the following is NOT included in G.Leech′s seven types of meaning?( )
A.Connotative meaning
B.Denotative meaning
C.Conceptual meaning
D.Affective meaning
30.Members of House of Commons hold their seat for( )years at most.
A.Five B.Four C.Seven D.Three
31.Of the fifty states,the smallest state in America is( )
A.Rhode Island B.Virginia C.Texas D.Montana
32.The“three arms of government” of Australia refers to the Parliament,the Executive Government and( )