学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________
1.According to its geographical location,which one can be used to represent Australia?( )
A.The Land Down Under B.Uncle Sam C.John Bull D.Polar Bear
2.Of the following writers,( )is NOT a Nobel Prize Winner.
A.Samuel Beckett
B.James Joyce
C.John Galsworthy
D.William Butler Yeats
3.I’ll work( )because I don’t want to let him down.
A.hard B.hardest C.harder D.hardly
4.According to the Official Language of Act of Canada,there are two official languages in Canada,they are( )
A.English and Spanish
B.English and Portuguese
北京公务员考试时间2021C.English and French
D.English and Celtic
5.After knowing his partner has been under arrest,he( )his crime.
A.conceded B.fessed
6.Bloomfield introduced the IC analysis, whose full name is ( ) Analysis.
A.Internal Component
B.Innate Capacity
C.Internal Constituent
D.Immediate Constituents
7.The“first Americans”are( )
A.the Aborigines B.the Maori C.the Indians D.the Eskimos
8.It’s reported that by the end of this year the output of cement in the factory( )by about 30%.
A.will have risen
B.has risen
C.will be rising
D.has been rising
9.Australia can be divided into three big regions,which of the following is not included?( )
A.The Great Dividing Range
2022中央遴选公告B.The Murray
C.The Central Lowlands
D.The Western Plateau
10.Of the fifty states,the smallest state in America is( )
A.Rhode Island B.Virginia C.Texas D.Montana
11.( ) is commonly considered to be the beginning of English literature and is the oldest surviving epic in English literature
B.The Canterbury Tales
C.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
D.The Fates of the Apostles
12.What is the construction of the sentence “The boy smiled”?( )
海南公务员报名时间2022A.Exocentric B.Endocentric C.Coordinate D.Subordinate
2022年英语四级登录入口13.Jane Austen wrote all the following novels EXCEPT ( )
A.Sense and Sensibility
C.Pride and Prejudice
14.The( )nature of the plant is very different from others for its growth and distribution depend on its host completely.
A.specific B.aordinary D.particular
15.The Commonwealth of Australia was established in( )
A.1875 B.1862 C.1900 D.1901
16.Which of the following is not the function of the Australian parliament?( )
A.Making laws
B.Authorising the Government to spend public money
C.Scrutinising govermment activities
D.Interpreting constitutional provisions
17.Which of the following doesn′t belong to the Cooperative Principle?( )
A.The generosity maxim
B.The maxim of quality
C.The maxim of relation
D.The maxim of manner
18.( ),domesticated grapes grow in clusters,range in color from pale green to black,and contain sugar in varying quantities.
A.Their botanical classification as berries
B.Although their botanical classification as berries
C.Because berries being their botanical classification
D.Classified botanically as berries
19.Sister Carrie is a masterpiece of ( )work.
A.romantic B.lassic D.naturalistic
20.( ) is the defining properties of units like number, gender, case.
A.Parts of speech
B.Word classes
C.Grammatical categories
D.Functions of words
21.( ) refers to a construction where one clause is coordinated with another.
A.Embedding B.Recursiveness C.Conjoining D.Cohesion
22.The word“motel” is formed via word formation rule of ( )
A.clipping B.blending C.inage
23.The success of Uncle Tom ′s Cabin did a great contribution to the anti slavery movement and brought this author,( ), an immediate popularity.
A.Harriet Beccher Stowe
D.Washington Irving
24.The UN put the( )forward so as to better cope with the tense situation in the Middle East.
A.conference B.summit C.rally D.seminar
25.With( )and fashionable elements,Beijing attracts a large number of young people every year.
A.vel D.innovative
陕西会计网准考证打印入口26.The bomb destroyed a police station and damaged a church( )
A.badly B.bad C.stly
27.The Great Charter was signed in( )and had( )clauses.
A.1251,63 B.1251,73 C.1215,63 D.1215,73
28.In the nineteenth century,Samuel Gridley Howe founded the Perkins School for the Blind,( )for children in Boston,Massachusetts.
A.that institutes