  Part I Writing
  Return to the society
  Part II Reading comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)
  1. What is the reason that we fail to attend to our family financial well-being?
  [D] We think it needn’t be dealt with immediately.
  2. We work out a budget in order to .
  [A] avoid unnecessary spending
  3. What is the advantage of the retirement savings?
  [B] Employees can get money as the retirement savings from their employers.
  4. It’s good for us to have some cash on hand to .
  [C] cope with sudden and serious situations
  5. Which group of people is advised to hold a health insurance?
国考公务员考试网职位  [D] Those who are less than 65 years old.
  6. The money you get from the disability insurance through the employee benefits plan is .
  [A] not enough for a decent living
  7. What can a life insurance do to a child?
  [B] It offers timely money for the funeral if the child dies.
  8. According to Karin Barkhorn, the government has to decide how to arrange a person’s assets if he dies without a will.
  9. Once a person loses the ability to do things, a living will is a reliable document for required medical measures.
  10. Under your durable power of attorney, if you are unable, a person can be given the authority to make financial decisions for you.
    Part III Listening Comprehension
  Section A
  11. [A] Play the music more quietly.
  12. [B] The professor may change his mind
  13. [D] She can’t go on the trip because of academic reasons.
  14. [D] It’s not certain whether the trip will take place.
  15. [D] The woman is applying a job.
  16. [A] She is unhappy with the man’s promises.
  17. [B] He wants to make sure that Mr. Smith will see him.
  18. [D] The man is unwilling to take a look at the houses for sale.
  19. [A] She needs some information.
  20. [C] Home-made candy.
  21. [B] Tuesday.
  22. [D] Priority service.
  23. [D] taking a quick look at an exhibit before lunch.
  24. [A] Through signs.
  25. [C] His social status.
  Section B
  Passage One
  26. [C] People differ from each other in facial features.
广东事业单位考试内容  27. [B] Learn to recognize human faces.
  28. [A] Movie actors.
  29. [D] People differ in their behaviors and physical characteristics.
  Passage Two
  30. [B] **************.nz.
  31. [C] $8,000.
  32. [D] See a doctor at the school Medical Centre.
  Passage Three
  33. [D] Human beings can make anything stand for anything by agreement.
  34. [B] Our culture determines what a symbol stands for.
2023福建公务员职位一览表  35. [C] Words are not necessarily connected with the things they stand for.
会计资格评价网入口  Section C
  36. variety
  37. response
  38. usual
  39. approach
  41. lengthy
  42. surveyed
  43. possible
  44. A list is then presented to the advisory committee which meets about once a month
  45. If the committee likes the list, it sends it up to the board of directors which makes the final decision
  46. So there’s a possibility that a stamp might be designed, but still never actually go into circulation
    Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)
  Section A
  47. [N] mystery
  48. [B] sounds
  49. [J] upon
  50. [E] combined
  51. [I] down
  52. [L] or
  53. [G] associations
  54. [M] filled
  55. [C] longer是否服务基层项目人员
  56. [H] recall
  Passage One
  57. What do we learn about African elephants from the passage?
  [A] It is difficult for people to tame them.
公共基础知识和行测有什么区别  58. Thailand was once called “Land of the White Elephant” because .