全国 2022 年4 月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试
试题课程代码 00012
Why I Love My Job
Ross is a public school teacher. She teaches a group of, mostly, seniors and she loves what she does.'
My job is great,'she said.'That is the only way to describe it.As teachers, we have the opportunity to completely change someone's life by providing him or her with a good edu
Ross moved to Austin in 1981 to attend the University of Texas. She earned a degree in math. Since her graduation, she has enjoyed teaching high school students in Texas for nearly 30 years. Over the years, she has taught every level of high school math.
'I've always taught high school students,' she said. 'I like their energy, and I enjoy teaching seniors because they are getting ready to move on.'Ross also believes teaching helps her keep a balance between work and life. It has allowed her to have the same work schedule as her children's school schedule. When her sons were younger, she worked during the day while her musician husband worked at night. So daycare was never a problem. Today her two boys share the same daily schedule and the same winter, spring and summer vacations with her.
Teaching brings other benefits, too. Entry-level salaries of teachers are competitive with other fields. Teachers are also offered good retirement benefits and insurance.“Due to bad economy, very few places offer a pension now and teaching is one of them,' she said.
1Ross believes that good education can change a person's life.
A.true      B.false      C.Not Given
2、Ross has been teaching in Austin since 1981.
山东事业单位面试时间A.true      B.false      C.Not Given
3、Ross is able to teach every level of high school math.
A.true      B.false      C.Not Given
4、Ross is one of the most popular teachers in her high school.
A.true      B.false      C.Not Given
5、Ross enjoys teaching high school students.
A.true      B.false      C.Not Given
6、Ross' husband used to have a day-time job when their sons were younger.
A.true      B.false      C.Not Given
7、Ross' two sons are interested in music.
A.true      B.false      C.Not Given
8、Ross often goes traveling with her sons during their vacations.
A.true      B.false      C.Not Given
9、New teachers earn much less than beginners in other fields.
A.true      B.false      C.Not Given
10、Because of bad economy, teachers are losing their pensions, too.
A.true      B.false      C.Not Given
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was a famous scientist. He created many theories that completely changed the way people saw our world and the universe. At first, very few scientists could understand his theories. As time passed, other scientists came to accept them.Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany in 1879 and grew up in Munich.He was not a good student at school. He only did things he was interested in, like science and math. After school,Einstein went to Switzerland and worked at the Swiss patent(专利)office in Bern.He studied what other people had invented. Later he moved to Berlin, Germany.He lived there for a long time and developed many of his scientific theories. He won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.
In 1933,Hitler and the Nazis came to power in Germany. Einstein was against the Nazis and their ideas.He decided to leave Germany and go to America. When World War Ⅱ broke out in 1939, Einstein discovered that German scientists were working on a bomb. T
he bomb could kill thousands of people. He wrote a letter to the American president to warn him. He also suggested that the Americans start building one, too.
In 1942,the American government started a project to build the atomic bomb.Two of these bombs were dropped to end the war against Japan.Einstein was shocked when he heard the news.He wanted atomic energy to bring peace to the world.
For the last twenty years of his life, Einstein lived in Princeton. He continued his scientific work there. He died on April 18, 1955.
11What can we know about Einstein in his childhood?
A.    He was born in Munich, Germany.2023内蒙事业编考试时间
B.    He was a straight-A student at school.
C.    He was asked to leave school.
D.    He was interested in science subjects.岳麓区教育局
12、In which country did Einstein develop many of his theories?
13、Einstein decided to leave for the United States because he    .
A.    was opposed to the Nazis
B.    could find a better job there
C.    wanted to get away from wars
D.    was invited by the US government
14、When Einstein learned about the bombs dropped on Japan, he felt    .
A.excited B.surprised C.fused
15、What can be inferred about Einstein from the passage?
A.    He had many followers when he was in Switzerland.
B.    He earned a Nobel Prize after World War II.
C.    He spent his late days in Germany.
D.    He was a peace-loving person.