作者:郑亮亮 王志明
        摘要:随着智慧校园的高速发展,作为智慧校园的重要组成部分智慧考试也愈受关注。该文针对传统考试的缺陷和不足,讨论了智慧考试系统开发的可行性和功能模块。然后利用Laravel框架、Google Material Design、以及LAMP平台技术实现了出题、考试、管理等诸多模块功能。该系统具有良好的可维护性和可扩展性,基本满足高校对学生考试的信息化、无纸化管理的需求,提高了考试管理工作的效率,为智慧校园下的智慧考试实现提供了新的解决方法。
2021年云南省公务员考试真题及答案        关键词:智慧校园;智慧考试;LaravelLAMP
        中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A 河南人才网招聘网文章编号:1009-30442018可以自考的证书有哪些12-0086-03
        Abstract As an important part of smart campus山西招生考试网登录成绩查询 the smart test is attracting some interests with the increasing development of smart campus. In view of some flaws and insuf
2022贵州公务员考试报名ficiency of non-smart tests this paper discusses it’s the feasibility and function modules then realize these function modules based on the Laravel framework Google Material Design and LAMP. The smart test system ensures the high maintainability and extendibility can meet the requirements of testing informatization and paperless for universities and improve efficiency of testing service. This system provides a new solution for smart test based on smart campus.