历年英一小作文概况分析 (2)
2018年英语一小作文:(邀请信) (3)广东联考成绩查询
2017年英语一小作文:(推荐信) (4)
2016年英语一小作文:(通知) (5)
2015年英语一小作文:(建议信) (6)
2014年英语一小作文:(建议信) (7)
2013年英语一小作文:(邀请信) (8)
2012年英语一小作文:(建议信) (8)
2011年英语一小作文:(推荐信) (10)
2010年英语一小作文:(通知) (11)
2009年英语一小作文:(建议信) (12)
2008年英语一小作文:(道歉信) (13)
2007年英语一小作文:(建议信) (14)
法考放宽地区2006年英语一小作文:(咨询信) (15)
2005年英语一小作文:(辞职信) (16)
部分,学搜集了英语一05--18年的英语一小作文。将小作文考题和范文都列了出来,并在范文中,将格式、固定句式、结构等关键部分均做了标记。请学弟学妹们结合文档01 中提到的四大基本点认真去揣摩历年小作文的范文,对各种类型的小作文都要做到心里有数,然后再去针对性的练习。
西藏高考成绩查询 Write an email to all international experts on campus, inviting them to attend the graduation cerem
ony. In your email, you should include the time, place and other relevant information about the ceremony.
You should write about 100 words neatly on the ANWSER SHEET.
Do not use your own name at the end of the email. U se “Li Ming” instead.
Do not write the address .(10 points)
Dear Sir or Madam,
  I am writing this letter in order to invite you to attend the forthcoming graduation ceremony.
  The ceremony will be hosted in the auditorium on our campus, at 10 o'clock in the morning on next Monday, January 15. It is advisable for you to dress formal. Please let us know your decision as soon as possible so that we could send you further details concerned. Since you are so popular among us that we sincerely hope you could accept this invitation and give the graduates a wonderful memory of our campus.
  If you are available, we request the honor of your company. It will be highly appreciated if you could give us an earliest favorable reply.
Y ours sincerely,
L i Ming
You are to write an email to James Cook, a newly-arrived Australian professor, recommending some tourist attractions in your city. Please give reasons for your recommendation
You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the email. Use “Li Ming” instead.
Do not write the address.(10 points)
Dear Professor,
Welcome to Changchun, my hometown. I take great pleasure in recommending to you some terrific tourist attractions in Changbaishan, which is located in southern Jilin Province. The primary reasons of my recommendations are as follows.
Changbaishan attracts millions of tourists every year for its exquisite natural beauty. For instance, “the Heavenly Lake” on the main peak of the Changbaishan, is the crater of a volcano, filled with clean and clear water all year around. Its extraordinary scenery brings people unforgettable experience. Furthermore, Changbaishan is also famous for a group of Hot Springs, in which people can relax themselves and release the pressure.
Therefore, I don’t hesitate to recommend them to you. Hope you can really enjoy yourself and have fun.
Yours sincerely,女生考公务员哪个单位好
Li Ming
To ensure students from oversea to be acquainted with the service of library in Beijing University, we write this notice to inform you of some relevant information about our library.
To begin with , our library provides a large amount of books and materials covering not only most majors and subjects, but also many extra-curricular reading materials, thus satisfying all your reading requirements. Furthermore, the library opens during the week time, each day from 9:00 am t
o10:00pm. Last but not least, only students enrolled in this university and with a special Library Card are allowed to enter into our library.
Anyone interested in studying or reading in our library should sign up their name with their monitor before August 31, and the Library Card will be issued within a week. Library of Beijing University
Suppose you are a librarian in your university. Write a notice of about 100 words, providing the newly-enrolled international students with relevant information about the library.
You should write neatly on the ANWSER SHEET.
Do not sign you own name at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address .(10 points) Notice August 20, 2015