Part I Multiple Choice. (35 points)
Section One: Choose from A, B, C or D the one that best completes each sentence (20 points).
1. Scarcely had they settled themselves in their seats in the theatre ______ the curtain went up.
A. then
B. when
C. than
D. before
解析】scarcely/hardly/barely …when刚……就,一……就,且句中Scarcely had they settled是they had scarcely settled的倒装结构。
2. Maria hasn’t begun working on her Ph.D. ______ working on her master’s.
A. still because she is yet
B. yet as a result she is still
C. yet because she is still
D. still while she is already
【解析】句意:玛丽还没开始攻读博士学位,因为她现在还在读硕士。yet 一般用于否定和疑问句中谈论还没完成的动作,一般出现在句尾。Still肯定和否定句中却可使用,表示动作或状态的延续,位置灵活,但一般在句中。
3. The tall fellow over there is ______ the great mathematician, Bill Williams, himself.
A. no other but
B. no one than
C. no other than
D. none other than
【解析】句意:那边那个高个正是伟大的数学家威廉·比尔本人。no other than正是,只有。eg: It is no other than my mother.而none other than含“不是别人正是……”之意(有惊讶的意味)。eg: The winner of the speech was none other than Tom who doesn't talk much in daily life.本句中最后一个词himself表示对看到的正是威廉·比尔本人感到惊讶。
4. Some historians believe that John Jay could have played ______ in America’s history as James Madison.
A. as an important role
考研分数线在哪里查询B. as important a role
C. an important role as
D. a role as important
【解析】在as…as 中可插入单数<;可数名词>,即:“as+<;形容词>+a/an+<;名词>+as”。若是复数<;名词>,可用“as many/few+复数<;名词>+as”;若是<;不可数名词>,则用“as much/ittle+<;不可数名词>+as”。故答案为B。
5. He is ______ a basketball player.
A. as good as if not better than his brother as
B. as good as, not better than his brother like
C. as good as if not better than his brother as for
国家公务员报考条件及时间2022D. as good as if not better than his brother as
【解析】as…as 与……一样。not better than 没有,比不上。最后一个as作介词,当“作为”讲。
6. ______, the white mountain goat is an extremely sure-footed animal that escapes from its predators by living in the most rugged, rocky landscapes.
A. Having been rarely seen
B. Rarely to be seen
C. Rarely seen
D. Being rarely seen
山地里。小分句主语实际是the white mountain goat,与动词see的关系很明显是被动的,而且being done 表示动作已经完成。To be seen动作还未发生,表将来的事情。
7. ______ drinking and singing all night kept the neighbors from going to sleep.
A. Bill’and his friends’
B. Bill and his friends’
C. Bill and his friends
D. Bill’s and his friends
8. He has just finished fixing the door, and it looks as though ______ a very hard job.
A. it must have been
B. it was
C. to be
D. it must be
【解析】it looks as though 后面一般用虚拟语气,动词的过去式或过去完成时。该句表示与现在的事实相反,所以用过去式。
9. I would have come to see you ______, but I was so busy then.
A. had it been possible
B. were it possible
C. if it were to be possible
D. if it should have been possible
【解析】句意:如果当时可能的话我会去看你,但我那时太忙了。与过去的事实相反的虚拟语气,从句用过去完成时,主句用would/should/could have done。had it been possible 为if it had been possible的省略If 的倒装句。所以该题答案为A。
10. He put all the reference books in the cupboard ______ he borrowed from the
A. Where
B. in that
C. which
D. in which
【解析】先行词是reference books,且在后一半句中作borrow的宾语,故答案为which。
11. There is no point in setting objectives if you don’t ______ them to your staff.
A. pass
B. perform
C. communicate
D. allocate
【解析】allocate 分配。pass 经过。perform 履行。communicate 交往。
12. Advantages that come with a job, apart from wages or salary, are called ______.
A. profits
B. supplements
C. earnings
D. benefits or perks
【解析】固定用法:supplements to wages and salaries 工资和薪金的补充额。perks 特长;特权享受,特殊待遇。
13. A ______ is one stock in a large company or corporation that is considered to be
a secure investment.
A. growth stock
B. blue chip
C. defensive stock
D. mutual fund
【解析】blue chip 蓝筹股,绩优股。蓝筹股多指长期稳定增长的、大型的、传统工业股及